a-1 This is a Pepsi ad. It is about 30seconds. This ad wants to sell pepsi cola.
a-2 This ad is for everybody. Age, sex, social class etc. You need not to care about it
a-3 This ad use comparison: Pepsi colas Coca cola. A kid goes to the vending machine to buy the beverage. The kid wants a pepsi cola but too high to push the pepsi botton for him. So, he buys the two cans of Coke. And then, he uses the Coke can. Finally, he gets the Pepsi cola.
This ad wants to tell that Pepsi cola is better than Coke.
a-4 This ad simply focuses on the selling. Using the comparison, It tells Pepsi is the best.
a-5 This ad have one purpose. Pepsi is the best so you have to buy pepsi. Nothing more infos.
a-6 This ad doesn't have any words. At the end, a sentence of "The joy of Pepsi" comes out. Very simple. But the message is clear.
b-1 There are one male kid.
b-2 At noon, in the some place, a kid and a vending machine appear on the scene.
b-3 The word of Pepsi appears 2 or 3 times, I think. And at the end, "The joy of Pepsi" comes out.
b-4 Nothing special. Just one vending machine and one kid.
b-5 This is very very simple ad. One kid buys a can of Pepsi and two cans of Coke. But he bring the Pepsi only. That's all. It means Pepsi is the best.
b-6 I think this ad use a very natural lighting.
b-7 Camera close up the Pepsi logo. This is the emphasis.
b-8 In one cozy county, there is a old vendingmachine. But Pepsi that comes out from the vendingmachine is shiny. Pepsi logo also Big.
c-1 This ad intend to compare with rival goods. Pepsi and Coke. And this ad tell us that Pepsi is the best.
c-2 I have no idea about this question. Just show us that Pepsi is better than Coke.
c-3 If this ad showed in the Korea, people would say that this ad is low quality, cheat. Because of the Korea law and people's awareness.
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