2009년 11월 15일 일요일


We are living in the mass media world. the world has lots of omission, concealment and strategy etc. If we enter the world without preparation, apparently we are gonna be a passive person. Media is that much danger. If so, Edward berneys is the person that used media with certain preparation. He is the father of spin. He is known as the beginning. He made women smoke. He used the phrase "Torches of Liberty Brigade". Just he changed our conventional wisdom to new one. Bacon and egg are also Bernays's work. Demagogy, PR and propaganda are the ways that are influenced by Edward berneys. As we know, Nazi also is influenced. Spin is a danger thing. It is too difficult to use rightly. So PR is danger. We always take the PR without thinking. As good meaning, PR is the persuasion. But actually this is the sway. Under the sway of PR, we purchase products. We need to see sense.

2009년 11월 1일 일요일

Media in america

There are corporations that control american media system. : Time warner, Disney, News-corporation, Viacom and GE.
Among these corporations, News-corporation is infamous Rupert Murdoch’s News-corporation. As his journalism war, media is messy. Fox's program rating is two times CNN although Fox shows sex-appealing and violent programs. PBS the Public broadcasting program rating is 1%. However tv audience still watch the Fox. In this system, america society's communication is destroyed and public opinion move back. In the result of this situation, most of the american don't know that banned weapons of mass destruction are not founded anywhere. This is commonsense that everyone knows. America is the people making the decisions to build weapons of mass destruction or develop nuclear bomb. We can't find the real message that claim the ultimate solution. We can find this only out of america. This is the current america media system as I know.