2009년 11월 15일 일요일
2009년 11월 1일 일요일
Media in america
Among these corporations, News-corporation is infamous Rupert Murdoch’s News-corporation. As his journalism war, media is messy. Fox's program rating is two times CNN although Fox shows sex-appealing and violent programs. PBS the Public broadcasting program rating is 1%. However tv audience still watch the Fox. In this system, america society's communication is destroyed and public opinion move back. In the result of this situation, most of the american don't know that banned weapons of mass destruction are not founded anywhere. This is commonsense that everyone knows. America is the people making the decisions to build weapons of mass destruction or develop nuclear bomb. We can't find the real message that claim the ultimate solution. We can find this only out of america. This is the current america media system as I know.
2009년 10월 11일 일요일
Growing Up Online
News Judgement
Impact is in revival of military additional grade. This is important to women and men either. This news can make a lot of conflicts. When we get a job, if there is this grade, it will can be complex. This news is close to us. It is a Proximity. But this is a different meaning of closeness. people are interested in this issue inevitably. It is trite news but we everytime care about this. So it is fresh. And as I know, this is only issue in Korea. So unique. It is Novelty.
It is relevant to citizens. Men who will go army or are discharged in army service , women who will get a job or something and the others are really care about this. If this law pass, apparently, complaint will happen.
2009년 10월 3일 토요일

Armani exchange
→ Armani expensive
Armani is the brand. It is gorgeous. I want wear this but too expesive to buy it .
I think everybody agree with me. So I changed.
Just do it
→ Do anything whatever you want
See that guy peeing at the wall. That is illeger but funny. Nike makes us fun. "Just do it" means "Do something in smile" . So i changed.
The joy of Pepsi
→ Get smarter
Even Coca cola employee wants Pepsi. In order to drink the Pepsi, he cheat.
See how clever it is! So i changed.
2009년 9월 20일 일요일
Media use
Everyone that live in the present has a memory about media. Someone has funny one and another person has sad one. How does everyone have these memories? I think, because there is the media everywhere. So people naturally get the media. Of course I have a memory of media. From now on, I am going to tell you about my memory of media with five sections.
First of all, it is my preschool memory. I don't exactly remember that time. But I think I liked to watch tv. In fact, my mother showed me a tv program, especially preschool program. At this time, I didn't have ability of choosing my favorite program. That is why mother showed me a tv program. Therefore, I had to a certain program that mother choose and couldn't accept the media as my taste. But I didn't know exactly what program is funny or not funny. I think, I liked images. Anyway this time, I was passive person. Second is my elementary school memory. Tv was also my favorite media. At this time, computer was not a main toy to our generation. So when I came home after outdoor activities, I watched tv. I usually watched cartoons. So I was influenced by cartoons. There are many kinds of cartoons. I liked a sports animation. So I played soccer a lot. That influence made me do exercise then I was good at P.E. Third is my middle school memory. From this time, I used internet. At this time, messenger 'buddybuddy' was popular. So our generation almost use the messenger and we talked about cyber world everyday. This development changed my life pattern. My topic of conversation was mostly internet and doing exercise changed internet game. Fourth is my high school memory. This time, my favorite media is blog. Actually, this is personal homepage. As you know, this is the cyworld. Buddybuddy users trasfered to cyworld. We uploaded our pictures, movies and kept a diary. So our day's experiences uploaded on own's cyworld and we talked each other about that. Daily activity had changed.
Fifth is my current media use. Now all kinds of media are my media use. Picture, movie, internet ect. These things is really necessary. If anything of these were out of my life, I will not live well. When I go to university, I need a computer and come back home, I need a tv or newspaper. Like this, my life is the using media life.
I have learned society changes. As science development, the things we used changed and are changing and will change. So the media also will change. We have to get used to the changed media. Unless we don't get used to media change, we will don't live well.
2009년 9월 12일 토요일
the advertisement of Pepsi.
a-1 This is a Pepsi ad. It is about 30seconds. This ad wants to sell pepsi cola.
a-2 This ad is for everybody. Age, sex, social class etc. You need not to care about it
a-3 This ad use comparison: Pepsi colas Coca cola. A kid goes to the vending machine to buy the beverage. The kid wants a pepsi cola but too high to push the pepsi botton for him. So, he buys the two cans of Coke. And then, he uses the Coke can. Finally, he gets the Pepsi cola.
This ad wants to tell that Pepsi cola is better than Coke.
a-4 This ad simply focuses on the selling. Using the comparison, It tells Pepsi is the best.
a-5 This ad have one purpose. Pepsi is the best so you have to buy pepsi. Nothing more infos.
a-6 This ad doesn't have any words. At the end, a sentence of "The joy of Pepsi" comes out. Very simple. But the message is clear.
b-1 There are one male kid.
b-2 At noon, in the some place, a kid and a vending machine appear on the scene.
b-3 The word of Pepsi appears 2 or 3 times, I think. And at the end, "The joy of Pepsi" comes out.
b-4 Nothing special. Just one vending machine and one kid.
b-5 This is very very simple ad. One kid buys a can of Pepsi and two cans of Coke. But he bring the Pepsi only. That's all. It means Pepsi is the best.
b-6 I think this ad use a very natural lighting.
b-7 Camera close up the Pepsi logo. This is the emphasis.
b-8 In one cozy county, there is a old vendingmachine. But Pepsi that comes out from the vendingmachine is shiny. Pepsi logo also Big.
c-1 This ad intend to compare with rival goods. Pepsi and Coke. And this ad tell us that Pepsi is the best.
c-2 I have no idea about this question. Just show us that Pepsi is better than Coke.
c-3 If this ad showed in the Korea, people would say that this ad is low quality, cheat. Because of the Korea law and people's awareness.